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Berthon UK
(Lymington, Hampshire - UK)

Sue Grant
0044 (0)1590 679 222

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(Henån, Sweden)

Magnus Kullberg
0046 304 694 000

Berthon Spain
(Palma de Mallorca, Spain)

Simon Turner
0034 639 701 234

Berthon USA
(Rhode Island, USA)

Jennifer Stewart
001 401 846 8404

Canine Stick Report | 2022

By the Canine Division

Dogs have always been on the Berthon team, but since 2020 the Canine Division have grown significantly and it is a key part of the business in the UK office with important contributions from canines at Berthon USA, and Berthon Spain.


As with all other parts of the Berthon Sales Group, their report follows:

Sit Rep

We are able to report a successful 2021 with an expansion of our capability in the UK office and we have also made important inroads in Spain (Hendricks) and the USA (Lacey) and Alan Baines’ dog (Millie). We are considering further additions to the team both in the UK and internationally… In the UK Ghillie, Mica, Murphy, Nelson, Ginnie, Lottie, newcomer Banzo and Teddy the puppy, man the office on a rota basis. We all have busy schedules at home so having a large team enables us to provide dog cover on most working days and some weekends (if we feel like it).

If you are visiting a Berthon office we will look forward to meeting you in 2022.


Job Scope

  • Meet and greet of all clients – Essential task that we take very seriously.
  • Play fighting in Reception – Keeps the humans on their toes.
  • Assistance with yacht viewings – Murphy’s particular speciality.
  • Food archiving – Food of any description left lying around at dog level is disposed of organically – wrappers and foil is left for recycling, Ghillie’s speciality (he is a Labrador!)
  • Videos – Participation in yacht walkthrough videos and snoring over the sound recording… Important to maintain standards.
  • Accepting treats – This is essential to human wellbeing and whilst the Dockmasters Office is so far the best trained of the departments in the UK, we can report progress this year in many other areas across the business.
  • Brexit buster and languages; Mica, the wire-haired (a bit like his owner!) Dachshund is bi-lingual, holding a French passport.
  • Barking – Because we can.
  • Meeting and greeting clients’ dogs.
  • Available for ear rubs on a permanent basis.
  • Sleeping – A lot…

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