Your Local Broker, Internationally

Berthon UK
(Lymington, Hampshire - UK)

Sue Grant
0044 (0)1590 679 222

Berthon Scandinavia
(Henån, Sweden)

Magnus Kullberg
0046 304 694 000

Berthon Spain
(Palma de Mallorca, Spain)

Simon Turner
0034 639 701 234

Berthon USA
(Rhode Island, USA)

Jennifer Stewart
001 401 846 8404

Bluewater Yacht Sales Specialists


The Berthon Sales Group specialises in the sale of bluewater cruising yachts, a fantastic sector of the market to deal in as we get to help facilitate clients to go off on extraordinary adventures. We are all well experienced offshore sailors who have been there and done it, so in a great position to advise and help you find the right yacht no matter what your needs are.

Contact Sophie Kemp
Berthon International
Tel: 0044 (0)1590 679 222
Click for full profile.

(© Image above, WCC / James Mitchell)

Buying a Yacht


Buying a yacht is always going to be an adventure and it should be an enjoyable one. We want to help you on that adventure and ensure you are travelling down the right path. There will always be compromise somewhere on the journey and the most important thing to remember is you are buying the yacht for yourselves and no one else!

Discovery 67, TILLY MINT featured. Further details of Discovery Yachts brokerage fleet available here –

How to Buy

Selling a Yacht


We often sell the same yacht a number of times, and will buy and sell for yachtsmen as their ambition to cruise oceans and go further afield develops. Or once they have been there and done it and decide to downsize. We can help to advise you on how to prepare your yacht for sale and of course help advise you on market value ensuring we give you a realistic value of what we hope to achieve.

How to Sell


We also like hearing stories of when the previous owner is sat in a bay in his new yacht and his old one sails in and they all get to have a G&T together. This is also why we will endeavour to help keep the good will throughout the sale and make sure it is as enjoyable an experience as possible.

Twelve Reasons to Use Us

World Cruising Club

Berthon International are supporters of the World Cruising Club who are renowned for the impressive and well-organised rallies they put on across the world.

We also run the Bluewater event in partnership with the WCC, which includes seminars, talks from industry specialists and the chance to hop on to Bluewater yachts we have for sale. It also provides an opportunity for to speak to cruisers who have been there and done it. Lots of valuable information is always learned over this event, which is held at Berthon International HQ in Lymington at the start of the summer.


The 2025 WCC ARC Bluewater Open Day will take place on Saturday 17th May at our Berthon HQ in Lymington.

(© Image ->, WCC / James Mitchell)

Ocean Cruising Club In addition, we work closely with the Ocean Cruising Club which is a splendid organisation supporting bluewater cruising in all corners of the globe. It is a fantastic network and a great way to meet likeminded cruisers and learn from their extensive knowledge of places.
